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The best way to visualize your Telegram relationships.

Jackson Rodriguez avatar
Written by Jackson Rodriguez
Updated over a week ago

If you work in web3, you need to track the status of your Telegram chats. Until now, that meant hunting though months/years of teammates’ messages in Slack (or just never knowing!): leads get ignored, you get overwhelmed trying to remember all your accounts, and deals are lost. With Pipelines, updating and sharing the status of Telegram chats couldn't be easier.

3RM has built the first truly native integration with Telegram. Your workspace is synced with your team’s Telegram accounts – it’s Telegram, but multiplayer. In Telegram, chats get lost in a torrent of inbound and spam; in 3RM, all your chats and team’s data are at your fingertips.

Pipelines display your chats in a Kanban board, giving you a birds-eye view of all your accounts. All you’ve got to do is attach a ‘status’ value to each chat (you can customise these values to your liking), and once you toggle onto the pipeline view, you’ll see your chats arranged by their status! Alternatively, head over to a pipeline view and drag your chats around 😎

Pipelines are central to how we work internally at 3RM – here’s some ways the feature has improved our GTM operations:

1. Weekly GTM Review

  • If your team are talking with your customers on Telegram, it’s almost impossible to get a sense of what’s going on with your accounts (without spending your life searching Slack or incessantly messaging your teammates)

  • With pipelines, we’ve replaced this inefficient back-and-forth with a brief weekly GTM review. We quickly get a sense of our pipeline – where each of our accounts are – and can help each other as needed. Even better, we get to celebrate every successful closed-won together 🎉

2. Identifying blocked accounts

  • A key aim of this practice is to reduce the chance of promising leads going cold from lack of attention

  • This is especially important in web3 where blockers are often technical and long-term, meaning effective nurturing is especially important.

  • Looking at our pipeline allows us to keep a close eye on the accounts that have been at the nurture status for a while – these are the accounts we need to focus on reengaging

  • We also use 3RM’s follow-ups feature in conjunction with pipelines to make sure we can keep these leads warm over long nurture cycles

3. Prioritization

  • Unfortunately, Telegram inboxes are overwhelming. Scrolling up and down all day doesn’t keep us productive; it’s very difficult to decide who to reach out to and how to spend our time

  • Instead, we spend most of our time looking our pipeline

  • It’s just such a more natural way to look at our accounts and to prioritise who to message

  • That’s why each chat card in 3RM’s pipeline view has a link to that chat Telegram – so, your workflow can go from “scroll, scroll, scroll ... (two minutes later), click, message” to “Which accounts need my attention? Oh, this chat has been stuck at negotiation for a while – click, message”

Pipelines will completely change your Telegram workflow. You’ll be amazed at how much more effective you become, and how much more fun your job is when you don’t feel like you’re under constant Telegram inbox bombardment. If you’re not already signed up, you can do so now (there’s no waitlist!) at Let us know how you get on!

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